Sometimes I Laugh So Hard The Tears Run Down My Legs!

Incontinence steals the dignity and freedom from millions of women every year. Many have no idea that they have options for treatment and the average women waits for over 6 years to seek help. Many women feel isolated and alone and suffer in silence.

Part of the problem is that incontinence is greatly misunderstood. For example, there are different types of incontinence. Knowing the type and cause of the incontinence is the first step. Once this is known we can explore the alternatives to various treatments based on the desires of the individual women.

Many treatments options can be tried without a trip to the doctors office. This book is designed to help any woman understand what is happening with her body and what options she has to fix the problem. If you do ultimately decide to see a Urologist then you will be well informed before the visit so you can make the right decision for you.

Don’t Feel Embarrassed Ever Again! It’s Time To Regain Your Confidence And Learn How You Can Stop Unwanted Incontinence Today.

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